Got Bed Bugs? Heat Em Dead!

Bedbugs love clutter, there's hiding spots everywhere.
Leave dirty laundry in the room. It’s a bedbug magnet that smells like food.
Don’t remove anything from the rooms if there's a chance some-thing could be hiding in it.
Unplug all refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners in the house/apartment to eliminate power surges while the equipment is running.
Turn OFF everything you can, to give as much power to the equipment as possible.
Remove living creatures, candles, lipstick, makeup, batteries, ammunition, fireworks, matches, valuables, fine art, medication, oxygen tanks, etc.
Open up, remove clutter and thin out, drawers, closets, cupboards and all storage areas.
Instead stand it and the box spring up on its side. Gets heat to both sides at the same time.
Killing everything inside.
Hang a blanket over closed windows for better insulation and faster heat-up times.
Disengage or insulate heat sensitive fire alarm sensors, sprinklers in the ceiling. See building manager if unsure.
Remove vacuum cleaner bag and place in outside garbage, a likely spot to find bed bugs.
Place clothing that might be contaminated residing outside of the rooms, into the dryer for 60 minutes on high. Front hall coats, jackets, kids backpacks, pillows, stuffed animals and whatever else comes to mind.
Consider moving, upholstered items, cushions pillows from living room to a bedroom being treated.
Don't forget the car. To prevent reinfestation in your home, the car’s carpet and upholstery should be inspected and treated with an appropriate off the shelf bedbug killer.
Create space for hot air to circulate around all items, avoid thick piles of clothes, boxes, books etc.
Remove the covers from light switches and electrical outlets.